My best girlfriends and I got to chatting on our 12 hour (yeah, I said 12 hour) drive home from our cruise last week about social media and it’s effect on body image. We talked about how sad it is that we love receiving comments that say “skinnnnnny” or “you are so tiny” or “your bod is on fire *insert fire emoji*”. I am so beyond guilty of loving to receive comments like this because they do make us feel good about ourselves. But, I am also ashamed that I love to get comments like this on social media because whatever happened to healthy bodies being complimented too?
Some women hold fat in different areas of their bodies than others. Some women are super thin and cannot retain fat even when they try. Some women are striving so hard to become skinnier when really their bodies are just built to hold more muscle than others. And what kills me the most, is women all over this world are making themselves physically sick and putting their health at risk to maintain a perception of the perfect body.
SCREW THE PERFECT BODY. You are your own perfect. Through all of your personal imperfections you are created in the most perfect image. I hurt for the women and girls who are trying to turn their bodies into something they see on Instagram or TV. Comparison is something our generation becomes so obsessed with and I fear that it is something many women won’t overcome. You have to stop telling yourself that you aren’t good enough, skinny enough, pretty enough, or worthy enough for someone.
Can I tell you what I love about my body? And this is not to brag or boast on myself, because honestly I do the bare minimum to treat my body as well as I should be treating it. But I love that my thighs touch a little too much. I love that I have a little cellulite and some love handles. I love that my legs are twice as long as my torso and only about 13% of jeans fit me correctly. I love that my imperfections make me different than everyone around me. And lastly, I love that I was made this way to encourage you to love the way you were made.
In my little corner of the internet, I felt that someone somewhere really needed to hear that no matter how big or small, you are so beyond perfect. Someone who is struggling with loving who they are for exactly how they are needs to be reminded that they are fearfully and wonderfully made. I hope that I brought even the slightest bit of encouragement to you today!
Sorry for being MIA the past week while I was on vacation, I missed you guys!
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